Bastille Day in Paris

By 12:17

So, I am spending the month in Paris and so far I've enjoyed every single day in this beautiful city. Yesterday however, was even more special than any other day before- the french were celebrating bastille day, their national holiday.

Each year it is celebrated on the 14th of July and is commemorating the storming of the Bastille on July 14th 1789.

I rolled out of bed super early and met with some friends at the l'Arc de Triomphe to watch the traditional military parade. Although we managed to fight our way through the crowd and made it to the front row, we were a little disappointed by the event. Later, we found out that it would have been better to watch the parade from the Place de la Concorde.

We were quite unlucky and only saw a couple of tanks rolling down the Champs-Elysees.

However, I decided to make the most of the day and went off to visit the Sacré-Cœur, I'll tell you more about it in another blog post.

Afterwards we strolled back to the Champs de Mars, right by the Eiffel tower to get ready for the concert that would take place at night. Luckily we had some friends saving us spaces, the place was already extremely crowded. Finally, at about 9pm the concert started and I was completely blown off my feet. The world's most famous piano player Lang Lang actually joined the concert and we enjoyed his incredible music in a breathtaking environment. I turned a little snap-happy...

The lightning slowly changed as the sun went down.
And it got even better...

Finally, at 11pm, the spectacular fire show began. I really have no words to describe how awesome it was, so you should probably take a look here.

The fireworks definitely made up for the parade, and we strolled home through the beautiful and lively streets of Paris.

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