Fashion Exhibitions in Paris Part II (Lanvin)

By 12:18

Yesterday I visited the third fashion exhibition that I've been planning on seeing while being in Paris - the Lanvin Exhibition at the Palais Galliera.

(Credit for this picture goes to this website, pictures weren't allowed)

This exhibition honors the life and work of Jeanne Lanvin who founded the maison in 1889 and actually started as a milliner. Today, Lanvin is the oldest French fashion house still in business and is still hugely successful, mainly thanks to the great talent of its artistic director Alber Elbaz.

The exhibition mainly shows gowns, hats and even children-wear from Jeanne Lanvin's early collections and all I can say about it is, that they are absolutely fabulous! I loved the YSl exhibition I've been telling you about here, but personally I loved this exhibition even more ;) Part of me wanted to steal a stunning grey dress, another part of me wanted to stay out of jail so I left empty-handed...

What I am trying to say is, that you need to visit this exhibition if you are in Paris (if not, this is just another reason to come to Paris). It runs until August 23rd, so you still have plenty of time to go, but promise me to not miss it! You can find further information about it here.

Oh yeah, and let's not forget the Palais itself, which is definitely worth some pictures.

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