Climbing the stairs of the Sacré-Cœur

By 09:15

The other day I've old you that I recently visited the Sacré-Cœur, a church that is located in a neighborhood called "Montmartre" and which marks the highest point in the city.

If you go there, take the Metro 12 and get off at "Abbesses". From there you can easily find the Sacré-Cœur and enjoy this beautiful view:

There is a little train going up to the church but I recommend doing a little workout and taking the stairs ;)

Inside, pictures aren't allowed, sneaky me took some anyways...

If you go down the stairs on the left side of the entrance, you'll find a little counter where you can buy tickets to go up all the way to the top of the church. I forced my friend, who isn't a big fan of moving more than absolutely necessary, to take the 300 steps and go up the tower. The view totally made up for the effort.

It's easily one of my favorite places to go and have a stunning view over Paris.

This day, the sky was all grey and cloudy, but I could've stayed up there for hours anyways.

Once you've seen enough, you walk back down again and take one last look at the basilica.

And finally, you deserve a crêpe au nutella :)

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