Château de Versailles

By 10:25

Versailles is a "must-do" when you find yourself in Paris. This morning I could finally cross it off my list. I have already been to the gardens last week to have a little picnic. I was planning on visiting the castle afterwards, however they were about to close the Château and I wouldn't have made the line this day.

So (once more) I got up very early and arrived there at 9am which is when they officially open the place. There was already a huuuuge line, but this time I was going in for sure so I joined the countless Asian tourists ;) If you are a citizen of the EU and under 25, you won't have to pay for the visit so you can skip the line for the ticket and directly queue up at the entrance. It took me about an hour to get in, which is very little, usually you have to plan about 3 hours for this line.

Inside, the castle is absolutely stunning, but for now I'll leave it to the pictures...

The royal courtyard

The rooms all have beautiful wallpaintings. This is one of the ballrooms.

The chapel.

The famous hall of mirrors.

Now that's a nice bedroom, isn't it?! Marie Antoinette used to spend her nights here.

After my visit to the castle I decided to hunt for a pain au chocolat in the village of Versaille- a very good decision since the village is really charming and beautiful. There are many nice pastry stores and I strolled around the farmers market to look for some french delicacies. If you ever go to Versailles, make sure to explore the city as well, it is definitely worth a visit!

If you plan on having a picnic in the gardens of Versaille, you'll either have to come very early and have the picnic before going inside the castle. Keep in mind, that it'll take you approximately 3 hours to get inside (if you need to buy tickets, it'll take you 2 more hours). You can't do the picnic after your visit unless you cram your food inside a small backpack. Large ones are not allowed inside the castle. However I'm not sure how they feel about bottles of wine etc. so you should probably check here before you go.

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