
By 01:29

Pai is a backpacker's and hippie's oasis in the mountains north of Chiang Mai. Two friends have recommended to go there so I was keen on checking out if it was as nice as they promised. 

I got myself ready for a bumpy 3 hour ride and it was quite a struggle to retain my breakfast in its designated place...
I met two very nice dutch sisters on the bus and when we finally arrived, we checked in at 2 little bungalows next to the river. Later we rented scooters and headed out to explore the surroundings. 

^^No worries mom, I was wearing a helmet at all times, I promise! 

We went to the hotsprings that are located about 20 km from Pai. 

No boil egg? What? Yeah that was my reaction as well but that is exactly what happened just around the corner. 

The locals boiled themselves some eggs in the hot springs and enjoyed there little picknick right next to it! 
We were a little disappointed because you obviously can't swim in water that hot. Later we found out that there are some other hotsprings nearby but instead we decided to search for a waterfall and minutes later we found one. 

We explored the area for a while.

And decided it was time for some dinner at the night market. The market in Pai is very different from usual Thai markets, it sells lots of western creations, organic food and handicraft products. We enjoyed some drinks before falling into bed.

The next morning I already had to get back to Chiang Mai because I had a flight to catch- right now I am already enjoying the island life, so stay tuned for reports from the beach! 

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