Ayutthaya Day 1

By 06:34

Today I decided to escape Bangkok and continue my travels towards the north of Thailand. 
I took a train to Ayutthaya (15baht!!!), the old capital of Thailand. The trainride took me about 1.5 hours and was an experience itself! People try to sell their snacks and drinks throughout the journey and there is a seperate place for monks. 

I was lucky to find a nice woman who showed me when I needed to get off the train, the signs at the station are only displayed in Thai, so again we have a little language problem there. 
When I arrived in Ayutthaya, I instantly liked it much better than Bangkok. It is smaller and finally you can walk to places. This was something I didn't like about Bangkok at all, you can't walk anywhere cause streets are too big and just not build for pedestrians. 
I walked about 2km through Ayutthaya to find a guesthouse which was recommended on the internet. On my way, some women asked me if I was fine or if I needed help. I was wondering why they were asking, however when I looked in the next mirror, I knew why! I was all red and looked like I was about to pass out if I walked 2 more metres... Its even hotter here than in Bangkok... 
I was lucky that the Promtong Mansion had a free room! The owner is very very kind and explained me how to get to all the wats ( palaces or monasteries). 

In the afternoon I set out to explore some of them. The first one was the Wat Maha That. 

Home to the famous "buddha in a tree"

The wats in Ayutthaya are mostly ruins, since the Burmese burned them down in 1767. Today, the city is declared as a UNESCO world heritage.

My next stop was the Wat Ratchaburana, a lot smaller but also pretty.

After visiting this wat, the heat just got too much to handle and I went back home to hop into the pool for a much needed refreshment. I enjoyed a nice dinner at the local night-market, just around the corner. I haven't been brave enough to try the crazy dishes, but I'm slowly getting there :)
Let's see what tomorrow will look like!

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