Elephant-friends in Chiang Mai

By 19:16

I have arrived in Chiang Mai last monday and have only enjoyed it so far, but more about Chiang Mai in general will be up on the blog soon. Yesterday however I had a very special day here! Meeting Elephants was on top of my bucket list and yesterday the dream finally came true. 

There is dozens of elephant-parks around Chiang Mai so it is really hard to pick one. I was looking for a park that doesn't allow riding and keeps the elephants in a natural environment. Finally after reading about 500 brochures I picked the "Elephant Jungle Sanctuary". It is located about 1.5 hours away from Chiang Mai and you get picked up at 8.00 am at your hotel. The drive to the camp is already spectacular since you are driving through the wild jungle! 

We arrived and changed to our traditional Mahout clothes. Also, please try to ignore the sexy sandal-trekking-pants combination I was rocking that day;) 

Finally we got to meet our new fellas!
They weren't so impressed...

However I was grinning from ear to ear! 

I even got a gentle hug.

We walked the elephants through the jungle for a while and returned through the river.

Afterwards it was time for lunch and putting on our bikinis to prepare for a little mud fight. 

And a bath and scrub at the waterfall. 

A truly great experience, the day flew by and I had the best time. When you are in the area, I can highly recommend a trip. We were only 10 people so the camp was not overrun by visitors. The elephabts are treated very well and we learned quite a bit about them, prepared food and gave it to them and spent plenty of time with them. It was an elephantastic day ;)

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